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Johnson KL, Hertz D, Alschuler K, Stobbe G, Scott J. Multiple Sclerosis Project Echo: Outreach to Rural Providers to Provide Innovative Collaborative Training Using Video Conferencing. Oral Presentation at NARRTC's Annual Conference, Anexandria, Virginia; 2015.
Johnson KL, Brown PA, Knaster ES. "Aging with disability in the workplace." Phys Med Rehabil Clin N Am. 2010;21(2):267-79.
Johnson KL. Rehabilitation and Independent Living: Exploring models for building Successful Collaboration and Outcomes. Panelist on a Plenary Presentation for NARRTC's Annual Conference, Alexandria, Virginia; 2015.
Jensen MP, Molton IR. "Preface: aging with a physical disability." Phys Med Rehabil Clin N Am. 2010;21(2):xv-xvi.
Jensen MP, Molton IR, Groah SL, et al. "Secondary health conditions in individuals aging with SCI: terminology, concepts and analytic approaches." Spinal Cord. 2012;50(5):373-8.
Jensen MP, Molton IR, Gertz KJ, Bombardier CH, Rosenberg DE. "Physical activity and depression in middle and older-aged adults with multiple sclerosis." Multiple Sclerosis. 2011;17(10 Suppl):254.
Jensen MP, Molton IR, Gertz KJ, Bombardier CH, Rosenberg DE. "Physical activity and depression in middle and older-aged adults with multiple sclerosis." Disabil Health J. 2012;5(4):269-76.
Jensen MP, Truitt AR, Schomer KG, Yorkston KM, Baylor C, Molton IR. "Frequency and age effects of secondary health conditions in individuals with spinal cord injury: a scoping review." Spinal Cord. 2013;51(12):882-92.
