Medicaid Managed Care Survey

Investigator: Tamar Heller, PhD

In the U.S., states have traditionally provided people with Medicaid benefits using a fee-for-services system. A fee-for-service system is where health care providers are paid for each service (like an office visit, test, or procedure). Over the last 15 years, states are moving towards a managed care delivery system for Medicaid benefits. In a managed care system, people get most or all of their Medicaid services from an organization under contract with the state. Some states allow people to voluntarily enroll in a managed care program, whereas others require people to do so.

In this study, we will have people with physical disabilities enrolled in Medicaid in Illinois fill out a survey. We will explore the differences between these 2 Medicaid systems a) fee-for-service and b) managed care in people with physical disabilities: 

  • How often people are using health services or types? 
  • How satisfied they are with the services they receive?
  • Are younger and older adults with physical disabilities using Medicaid benefits differently?
  • Does one system show better overall health or greater participation in life activities of people living with a physical disability?