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Verall AM, Johnson KL, Yorkston KM, Matter B, Smith A, Nelson I. "Translating Research Findings into Useful Tools for Patients and Providers." Poster presented at Lehmann's Day, Seattle, Washington; 2015.
Terrill AL. "Resilience, age, and perceived symptoms in persons with long-term physical disabilities." J Health Psych. 2014;published online 8 May 2014.
Terrill AL, Müller R, Jensen MP, Molton IR, Ipsen C, Ravesloot C. "Association Between Age, Distress, and Orientations to Happiness in Individuals With Disabilities." Rehabil Psychol. 2015;60(1):27-35.
Terrill AL, Molton IR, Smith AE, Jensen MP. "Validity and utility of the Brandtstadter Tenacious Goal Pursuit/Flexible Goal Adjustment measure in adults aging with long-term physical disabilities." Oral presentation at International Society for Quality of Life's (ISOQOL) 21st Annual Conference, Berlin, Germany; 2014.
Terrill AL, Molton IR, Jensen MP. To Pursue or Adjust: Examining a Measure of Coping Styles in Individuals Aging with Disability. Jacksonville, FL: APA Rehabilitation Psychology Annual Conference; 2013.
Stobbe G. MS ECHO: Innovative Project to Improve the Capacity of Providers in Underserved Areas to Treat MS. Hertz D, ed.; 2015.
Snyder S, Lauer C. From UW to US: Developing and Disseminating Evidence-Based Programs.. Oral Presentation at Lehmann's Day, Seattle, Washington; 2015.
Smith AE, McMullen KA, Molton IR, Verrall A. Symptom Burden in Persons with Muscular Dystrophy (MD). San Francisco, CA: American Public Health Association (APHA) Annual Meeting; 2012.
