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Chung H, Kim J, Park R, Bamer AM, Bocell FD, Amtmann D. "Testing the measurement invariance of the University of Washington Self-Efficacy Scale short form across four diagnostic subgroups." Qual Life Res. 2016.
Cook KF, Bombardier CH, Bamer AM, Choi SW, Kroenke K, Fann JR. "Do somatic and cognitive symptoms of traumatic brain injury confound depression screening?" Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2011;92(5):818-23.
Cook KF, Bamer AM, Amtmann D, et al. "Comparison of pain behaviors in multiple sclerosis, back pain, and arthritis." Quality of life research. 2012;20(Suppl 1):6.
Cook KF, Molton IR, Jensen MP. "Fatigue and aging with a disability." Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2011;92(7):1126-33.
Cook KF, Bamer AM, Amtmann D, Molton IR, Jensen MP. "Six patient-reported outcome measurement information system short form measures have negligible age- or diagnosis-related differential item functioning in individuals with disabilities." Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2012;93(7):1289-91.
Crabb C, Bowers A, Owen R, Heller T. Appraisal of Personal Support Workers by Medicaid Managed Care Enrollees Aging with Disabilities.; 2016.
Day MA, Jensen MP, Ehde DM, Thorn BE. "Toward a theoretical model for mindfulness-based pain management." J Pain. 2014;15(7):691-703.
